History of Los Angeles
From David Hoffman: Sonia and I have had a lot of fun wandering around the web learning a great deal more about the Jewish cultural/political/social/organizational scene of LA circa 1900 – 1920. (Workman’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, Folk Schule; various branches of Zionism active in LA from 1901 on, trade unions (particularly the ILGWU) and other political groups, and their interrelationships and ties to hospitals, and schools.)
- Our Place Called Home: History of Jews in Boyle Heights
- A Short History of Los Angeles: before there was a city
- L.A. Yesterday
- A visit to Old Los Angeles and its Environs
- Boyle Heights
- Western Jewish History
- Boyle Heights
- Boyle Heights Americans in the Mirror
- Russian Los Angeles (pictures of Boyle Heights today)
- History of the Boyle Heights Branch Library
- Boyle Heights Library
- A Delegates Guide to Jewish Downtown
Jewish Presence in Los Angeles
Thank you, thank you! I have just spent an hour (not nearly enough!) enjoying first, the map of 1909 Los Angeles, then Rochlin’s wonderful evocative story of her mother-in-law’s life in Nogales. I can see that I am not going to get much done this weekend! Carol Dondick
- Boyle Heights: Neighborhood sites and insights
- Cemeteries
- Oral History Project (Boyle Heights)
- History of the Sephardic Jews and Temple Tifereth Israel in Los Angeles
- Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center
“The Supreme Court’s decision in Shelley v. Kraemer in 1948, ending racial and religious restrictions in home sales, enabled Jews to move to neighborhoods that had been off limits (the issue of minorities and housing would continue to be controversial, however, for many years). By the 1960s only the elderly seemed to be all that was left of the Jewish community in Boyle Heights. I recall the not uncommon comment, “My grandmother still
lives in Boyle Heights, she won’t leave.”
Photographic Images
- Photographs of Historic Los Angeles
- Photograph Collections in Los Angeles
- A Visit to Old Los Angeles and Environs
- Important Organizations in the Study of LA History
- Russian LA
- Boyle Heights Photo Project
- The Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection
- Search under “Boyle heights” and pull up 100’s of pictures
- Some examples of the images found at the Public library
- The Los Angeles of the Dockweilers:Old Los Angleles
- A Many Storied-Stretch: Mid Wilshire’s Landmark’s
- The Hellman Building
- A Visit to Old Los Angeles- Spring Street- Part 1
The largest, oldest and likely most influential Jewish Reform Synagogue in Los Angeles is Wilshire Boulevard Temple, at Wilshire Boulevard and Hobart Street, built in 1929. The three designers of the Byzantine structure are Abram Edelman (son of the temple’s first rabbi and architect of the previous temple at Ninth and Hope streets), S. Tilden Norton (noted architect and honorary president of the Temple) and David Allison.”
- Jewish Community Library Archives
- Historical Perspective: Cedars-Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- The First Lady visits the Breed Street Shul
- Visitors Guide to Downtown Los Angeles
- Venice Pier and Vintage Photographs
- Jews of Los Angeles
- Boyle Heights”, California Historic Magazine, 76 [1, 4]:117
The following organizations are additional important sources of information to anyone studying the history and development of Los Angeles. Be sure to telephone ahead of time in order to make sure that they have the resources you need, and to set up an appointment as needed.
Research Sources
- 1997 Getty Center Press Release-Boyle Heights
- Japanese American Museum: Power of Place
- Boyle Heights-Sites and insights
- Why Boyle Heights?
- The Molokans
- Race, Memory and the Search for History in Boyle Heights
- Western Jewish History Authors Corner