Hal Bookbinder: the changing borders of eastern Europe (with a focus on the expansion of Russia to the west)


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Date(s) - April 15, 2023
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Hal Bookbinder

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Hal Bookbinder:


The changing borders of eastern Europe (with a focus on the expansion of Russia to the west)

Saturday,  April 15, 2023  12 Noon  via You Tube.

It is always wonderful when a JGSLA member and former president is making presentations that reach a wider audience… this time in association with the City of Los Angeles genealogy librarian Julie Huffman’s Genealogy Garage program via Zoom. There will be NO recording.
This upcoming Saturday, 4/15, from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PST, the Los Angeles Public Library is having a wonderful speaker discuss the changing borders of eastern Europe (with a focus on the expansion of Russia to the west).  Presenter Hal Bookbinder has served as president of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Los Angeles and of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies.  Julie said, “I’ve seen Hal do this presentation before (at the SCGS Jamboree) and it was AMAZING and memorable.”  This Genealogy Garage will NOT be recorded, so you’ll have to tell your members to tune in LIVE.  On Saturday at 11, have them click this link: Genealogy Garage: The Changing Borders of Eastern Europe – YouTube or go to the Los Angeles Public Library’s YouTube page.



Here are the Genealogy Garage upcoming programs by the LA Library genealogist Julie Huffman who can be reached at jhuffman@lapl.org
and for future events, a link to her blog page.
ONLINE–May 20: My China Roots (a new database to LAPL that focuses on Chinese genealogy)

IN-PERSON–June 10: An all-day celebration of African American excellence–loads of programs and activities, with an eye towards genealogy (Kenyatta Berry and others are slated to take part!)
ONLINE–July 15: Ukrainian Genealogy (can’t wait for this one!)