Date(s) - June 22, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Stacey Ravel Abarbanel
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JGSLA invites you to an evening stay at home Zoom on-line meeting with
Stacey Ravel Abarbanel
“Pancho Villa and My Grandfather ”
*** JUNE 22nd at 7:00pm ZOOM MEETING ! ***
click here ZOOM to attend if your have not already received the link.
members please send the link to others that would like to attend
Stacey Ravel Abarbanel: For a century scholars have debated why Pancho Villa attacked the frontier town of Columbus, New Mexico on March 9, 1916—a deadly incursion and infamously the only time in the 20th century that a foreign army invaded the continental United States. For Stacey Ravel Abarbanel, this historic invasion is the backdrop for her family’s most spectacular story, recounted at reunions with a quizzical smile that made her wonder if it was true: when Villa raided the United States he was looking to kill her grandfather, Sam Ravel.
Abarbanel shares how Ravel, a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, landed in a dusty border town and got tangled up with Villa. She also discusses her research—including a pilgrimage to the annual Columbus Raid Memorial and the discovery of archives and oral histories—that helped fill in some of the blanks about why Villa may have wanted her grandfather dead. Her essay on this odyssey was recently published in Tablet Magazine.
Stacey Ravel Abarbanel Stacey Ravel Abarbanel works with museums and other arts/cultural organizations to help them grow and to create and implement marketing, communications, and programming strategies that engage audiences. From 2002–14 she was director of external affairs for the Fowler Museum at UCLA, after ten years in arts-related publishing at Getty Publications and Architectural Digest. In addition to her consulting practice, she has written about art and culture for outlets including Alta and UCLA Magazine, and is on the board of the Santa Monica Arts Foundation.
There will be no physical location so the JGSLA Traveling Library and Mentors Corner will NOT be available. ALL ARE WELCOME, members, please share the ZOOM link with folks you know.