Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations (1957)
This is a list of the member organizations of the Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations in 1957 compiled in:
Malamut, Joseph Loeb. Southwest Jewry : an account of Jewish progress and achievement in the Southland. Edited by Joseph L. Malamut. Los Angeles: Sunland Publishing Co. Los Angeles Jewish Institution and their Leaders, [1926-1957]. Three volumes
- Ahabeth Zion Society
- American Association for Jewish Education
- Beth Jacob Congregation
- Bikur Cholim Society
- Brandeis Camp Initiative
- Bureau of Jewish Education
- California Home for the Aged at Reseda
- Cedars of Lebanon Hospital
- City of Home
- Farband Labor Zionist Order
- Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations
- Gateways
- Guardians of Los Angeles Jewish Home
- Hadassah Woman’s Zionist Organization
- Hollywood Temple Beth El
- Independent Order B’Nai B’rith
- Jewish Big Brother Association
- Jewish Centers of Los Angeles
- Jewish Committee for Personal Service
- Jewish National Fund Council of Los Angeles
- Los Angeles Council of Pioneer Women
- Los Angeles Hebrew Junior High School Los Angeles Community Library
- Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aged
- Los Angeles Yiddish Culture Club
- Los Angeles Yiddish High School
- Mount Sinai Hospital
- Nathan Strauss Israel Society
- Southern California Jewish Historical Society
- Temple Israel of Hollywood
- United Jewish Welfare Fund
- University of Judaism
- Wilshire Boulevard Temple