Jewish (and Other) Genealogy Websites: Websites with links to many Jewish Genealogical Sites and Databases

JGSLA Members Only Content: Member Resources

 Below is a list of websites containing links to a variety of database and informational Jewish Genealogical websites.
(Many are not specifically focused only on Jewish research, but nonetheless are of exceptional interest)

Prepared by Hal Bookbinder, past president JGSLA and past president IAJGS
updated October 5, 2023
Cyndi’s list includes 319,764 total links in 231 categories. Below are the links within the Jewish section,

  • Birth, Marriage, Death
  • Cemeteries & Funeral Homes
  • Census Directories
  • General Resources
  • History & Culture
  • Holocaust
  • Immigration, Emigration, & Migration
  • Jewish Calendar
  • Language, Names, Handwriting & Script
  • Libraries, Archives & Museums
  • Locality Specific
  • Mailing Lists, Newsgroups & Chat
  • Maps & Geography
  • Military
  • Miscellaneous Records
  • Newspapers
  • Obituaries
  • People & Families
  • Periodicals & Pamphlets
  • Photographs & Memories
  • Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
  • Publications, Software & Supplies
  • Queries, Message Boards & Surname Lists
  • Societies & Groups
  • Taxes
Here is where you can find Zoom presentations from many other Jewish Genealogy Societies. 

  • Select “Membership” for links to the websites or Facebook pages of the 92 member societies of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies. This includes 23 national or local societies outside the United States.
  • This is a great resource if you are looking for help on the ground in another part of the U.S.A. or of the World.
  • Additionally, Society websites often contain links to local resources.   [full disclosure, Hal Bookbinder was president of the IAJGS from 2001 to 2005]
(“Louis Kessler’s Jewish Genealogy Links”) contains links to 111 websites with short descriptions of their content categorized under the following headings:

  1. The JewishGen Site
  2. The International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies
  3. Avotaynu, Inc.
  4. Ancestry Jewish Family Collection
  5. FamilySearch Jewish Genealogy Resources
  6. The Federation of East European Family History Societies
  7. Museums and Research Facilities for Jewish Genealogy
  8. Holocaust Sites
  9. Jewish DNA Research
  10. Other Useful Jewish Genealogy Pages
  11. Jewish Research of Romania (for my own research)
  12. Jewish Research of Turkey (for my own research)
  13. Jewish Research of the Russian Empire – areas that are now Ukraine (for my own research)
  14. Jewish Research of Manitoba and Saskatchewan (for my own research)

JDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) Archive & Collections:
Jim Yarin’s site contains links to 66 websites with short descriptions of their content categorized under the following headings:

  • The Big Ones
  • Jewish Research
  • Jewish Cemeteries
  • Major Gateways, Data, Research
  • Ship Arrivals
  • A Sampling of Location-Specific Web Sites
  • DNA
  • Other
(“Avotaynu presents a list of World Wide Web sites that might prove useful for Jewish genealogy research”) contains links to 49 websites with shortdescriptions of their content categorized under the following headings:

  • General Jewish Genealogy Information
  • Databases, Telephone Directories
  • Archives, Libraries and Gov’t Agencies
  • Maps and Locating Shtetls
  • General Genealogy Sites
  • Other Jewish Links
( “Jewish Family History Resources”) contains links to 42 websites with short descriptions of their contents
(Access to various databases hosted by JewishGen) contains links to 41 databases shown below:
Access to various regional or topical special interest groups, both JewishGen operated and hosted (indicated by *), contains links to 27 SIG websites, each with their own databases)

Regional SIGS from around the World:

Topical SIGS:
(“Free Jewish Genealogy Databases Online”) contains links to 12 websites with short descriptions of their content.
Yeshiva University Libraries guide to conducting Jewish genealogical research & questions to ask relatives
• Jewish Genealogy Resources• Jewish and General Oral History• Other Valuable Resources