Los Angeles County Archives

Los Angeles County Registrar – Recorder/County Clerk

12400 Imperial Hwy. ( 2 blocks East of Norwalk Blvd.)
Norwalk, CA 90650-8357
Los Angeles County
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk
Birth, Death and Marriage Records Section
P. O. Box 53120
Los Angeles, CA 90053-0120


(562) 462-2137 Recorded Information
(562) 462-2103 Phone Orders
(562) 864-3469 FAX Orders


L.A. County Homepage
Hours of Operation: Mon. – Fri.: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Description of Resources:

The County Recorder has Los Angeles County vital records for the following years:

Birth certificates: 1876 to present
Marriage certificates: 1852 to present
Death certificates: 1892 to present
The County Recorder has Los Angeles County indexes for the following years:
Birth indexes: Pre-1905, 1964 to present
Marriage indexes: 1852 to present
Death indexes: 1877 to present

The County Recorder has separate Los Angeles City indexes for the following years:
Birth indexes: 1888 to 1962
Death indexes: 1939 to 1905

The County Recorder has California State indexes (on microfiche) for the following years:
Birth indexes: 1956 to 1977
Marriage indexes: 1949 to 1959 (Books), 1969 to 1985
Death indexes: 1940 to 1977, 1980 to 1989..

The following LA County records are listed on the computerized index:

Birth index: 1964 to present (Computerized)
Marriage index: 1979 to present (Computerized)
Death index: 1964 to present (Computerized)


Current (non-refundable) fees for certified copies of vital statistic records and search, per name are as follows:


Birth certificates: $18.00
Death certificates: $13.00
Marriage certificates: $13.00


Copies of birth, marriage and death records may be ordered by telephone, fax, mail, or in person. You will need a credit card for phone and FAX orders. Copies requested in person are mailed in 15-30 working days. Mail requests are processed in 35 working days. Same day service is not available (except for birth abstracts).

Adoption/Name Change (State of California):
If you are requesting a record of a child who has been adopted or had a legal name change, your request should be sent to the State of California Department of Health at the address below:


Address: State Department of Health

Office of State Registrar
P. O. Box 730241
Sacramento, CA 94244-0241



(916) 445-2684 Information
(800) 858-5553 FAX


Fee: $13.00 check to State Registrar


Vital records can be ordered from the State of California, but ordering from the county of birth is faster. See their website for further information.
Charges for Vital Records ordered from the State are:

Birth certificates: $13.00 (Note: this is less expensive than the LA County fee)
Death certificates: $11.00
Marriage certificates: $13.00
FAX order: $ 7.00 (additional per order, not per record)

For Birth records include name, date of birth (or exact decade to be searched if date is unknown), city, parents’ names including mother’s maiden name. For Marriage records include the name of the bride and groom. Send your request to:

State Department of Health Services
Office of Vital Records
304 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

or by FAX: (800) 858-5553
or from Vitalcheck. This site accepts credit cards for an additional $7.00 fee.